Universal Design Learning (UDL)

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that guides the design of instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments to accommodate the widest range of learners possible. It emphasizes flexibility, inclusivity, and accessibility in education. UDL is based on brain science and evidence-based educational practices. It also leverages the power of learner agency, inquiry-based teaching and learning and digital technology.

At its core, UDL recognizes that learners have diverse needs, preferences, and abilities. These variations may include differences in how they perceive information, engage with content, and demonstrate their understanding. UDL aims to remove barriers to learning by providing multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement.

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Inquiry-based teaching and learning, which emphasizes curiosity, exploration, and critical thinking, aligns well with the principles of UDL. Here's how educators can use UDL to support inquiry-based teaching and learning:

Multiple Means of Representation:

Multiple Means of Action and Expression:

Multiple Means of Engagement:

By incorporating UDL principles into inquiry-based teaching and learning, educators can create learning experiences that are accessible, engaging, and meaningful for all students. UDL not only supports academic achievement but also promotes equity and diversity in education.

Source: CAST Website and ChatGPT

Universal Design for Learning at a Glance

Run Time; 4:36 - Jan 6, 2010 - Source: CAST Website

A crash Course in Universal Design Learning

[Katie Novak]

Run Time: 25:43- Feb, 2024
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This episode is from Toddle's "School Leadership Project"

A Crash Course in UDL delves into Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a framework for tailoring education to diverse learner needs. Drawing parallels with a dinner party and a coffee shop, Katie Novak stresses the necessity of anticipating and accommodating varied learner requirements for inclusivity. UDL advocates for creating lessons with multiple options to meet diverse needs. 

Katie underscores the significance of acknowledging and addressing evolving student needs and dispelling stigma around support usage. 

Drawing from her teaching experience, she advocates for offering students varied learning options, encapsulated in the Goldilocks concept. She also highlights the notion of expert learners, emphasizing metacognition and reflection in learning. 

Katie underscores the importance of clear goals and success criteria in UDL, leveraging technology to support diverse learning paths while upholding essential goals like writing production. Overall, she emphasizes the necessity of clear success criteria to differentiate instruction and accommodate student variability.

Key Ideas

Learn more about this episode from Toddle's "School Leadership Project"

UDL Podcast Featuring Katie Novak

If you've ever wanted to learn more about UDL, this episode is for you! And if you ever had a feeling that one size fits all learning doesn't work, here's how to fix it with real examples.

UDL Now! Author Katie Novak dives deep into the best practices with Universal Design For Learning, and how we can start removing barriers for all learners (kids and adults).

Check out her book: UDL Now!

The Ultimate Guide to UDL

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CAST developed UDL guidelines that are based on three main principles that align with these learning networks. The three UDL principles are engagement, representation, and action and expression.

This chart includes the three UDL principles adapted from CAST by Katie Novak . It also provides questions to consider and lists examples of the principles in action. 

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is not just a framework for curriculum design. It is a belief that all students are capable of learning and that instructional methods, when implemented intentionally, can help all students succeed. So, what does this look like? Katie Novak's website includes articles and resources (below) can help to set you on the path to implement Universal Design for Learning in your practice.

Also see:

Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning

Run Time: 3:53 - Apr 10, 2018
This video delves into UDL, an educational framework aimed at accommodating diverse learning needs by removing barriers in the learning environment. Its holistic approach involves flexible instruction, learner-centered curriculum, digital resources, and leadership support, benefitting all students by fostering engagement, aiding teachers, and improving academic outcomes.

Conversation Guide for Making Sense of UDL

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Source: Government of Alberta
This document provides teachers with an overview of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and strategies. It offers discussion questions, additional resources, and examples of how UDL can increase engagement and support all learners in an inclusive classroom environment by addressing diverse needs.

UDL Guidelines

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Source: CAST WebsiteAlso see: 

Getting Started with UDL

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Source: Understood Website

What is Universal Design for Learning

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Universal Design for Learning (UDL) gives all students an equal opportunity to succeed.

What is Universal Design for Learning

Runt Time: 6:35 -  March 17, 2010The video "What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?" explains UDL's history, principles, and advantages in inclusive education. UDL ensures accessibility for all learners through multiple engagement, representation, and expression means. It fosters self-directed learning, offering various content access and learning demonstration methods, empowering students as lifelong learners.

UDL: Principles and Practice

Runt Time: 6:35March 17, 2010This video introduces Universal Design for Learning (UDL), aiming to accommodate diverse student needs including those with disabilities and gifted students. UDL principles involve offering multiple means of representation, action, and engagement. The speaker emphasizes the importance of adaptable materials, methods, and assessment to foster expert learners and reduce curriculum barriers.

Seeing UDL in Action

Runt Time: 2:52 -  June 9, 2021The speaker highlights the importance of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which encourages individualism, flexibility, and creative expression. He emphasizes the value of allowing students to have free choice and seating options and to explore their own learning through creative projects, such as creating songs and cakes to explain concepts.

UDL Ice Cream Truck Analogy

Runt Time: 2:52 -  Nov 2, 2017In this video Katie Novak uses the analogy of an Ice cream Truck to explain UDL., emphasizing the importance of flexibility in teaching to support variability in learning.

More UDL Resources

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A Few UDL Books

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In the third edition of UDL, Katie Novak provides practical insights and savvy strategies for helping all learners succeed in a post-pandemic world using the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Novak presents examples throughout the book to make the content relevant and digestible. She concludes each chapter with reflection questions to help teachers apply key concepts to their work. UDL Now! is a fun and effective playbook for great teaching.

This powerful guide for educators covers timely topics including:

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Universal Design for Learning in Action: 100 Ways to Teach All Learners is a valuable resource for educators, particularly those interested in inquiry-based teaching and reaching all learners in their classrooms. Here's why teachers should read it and how it supports inquiry-based approaches:

Reasons to Read

Overall, "Universal Design for Learning in Action" equips teachers with practical tools and strategies to create inclusive classrooms that support all learners, fostering a successful and engaging inquiry-based learning environment.

Additional Points:

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Overall, "What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning" by Wendy Murawski and Kathy Scott is a valuable resource for educators, particularly those interested in supporting inquiry-based teaching. 

Alignment with Inquiry-Based Learning

Specific ways the book can support inquiry-based teaching

 Additional considerations

In conclusion, "What Really Works With Universal Design for Learning" offers valuable insights and practical strategies that can significantly support educators in creating inclusive and effective inquiry-based learning environments for all students.

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The book "Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts: Improving Literacy Instruction Through Inclusive Practices" by Katie Novak and her team appears to be a valuable resource for educators seeking to integrate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into their classrooms, specifically those that embrace inquiry-based teaching. 

Specific ways the book can support inquiry-based teaching

Overall, "Universal Design for Learning in English Language Arts" equips educators with tools to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that supports the core tenets of inquiry-based teaching. By providing options for engagement, representation, and action, the book empowers students to become active participants in their own learning journeys.

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"Universal Design Daily: 365 Ways to Teach, Support, & Challenge All Learners" by Dr. Paula Kluth offers a practical and accessible guide to implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in the classroom. While not specifically focused on inquiry-based teaching, the book's UDL-based strategies can significantly support educators in creating and enhancing inquiry-based learning environments.

Specific ways the book can support inquiry-based teaching

It is important to remember

Overall, "Universal Design Daily" is a valuable resource for educators, particularly those interested in creating inclusive and engaging inquiry-based learning experiences for all students. The book provides a springboard for creativity and adaptation, allowing educators to leverage UDL principles to support an inquiry-based approach in their classrooms.

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This book advocates for a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach in early childhood classrooms, catering to children of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and language proficiency (birth to 8 years old).

Specific ways the book can support inquiry-based teaching


Overall, "Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom" provides valuable resources and strategies for early childhood educators who want to implement an inquiry-based approach in their classrooms while ensuring inclusivity and catering to the diverse needs of all learners.

It is important to note that the book itself does not delve deeply into specific inquiry-based learning methods. However, it provides a strong foundation for creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment that can support and enhance inquiry-based teaching.

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