Community of Learners

We Are All Learners

Community of Learners: Summary

The learning community recognizes that education is a social endeavour benefiting all its members individually and collectively

A strong learning community “sets the ambience for life-giving and uplifting experiences necessary to advance an individual and [all its members]."

Common relational characteristics of learning communities are (1) sense of belonging, (2) interdependence or reliance among the members, (3) trust among members, and (4) faith or trust in the shared purpose of the community (Lenning and Ebbers 1999).

An inclusive learning community:

Everyone in the learning community has agency, see themselves as contributors to its strength and success, and take action to affect change

Source: | Springer Link

Articles That Support Building A Community of Learners

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Teaching and Modeling Gratitude in Elementary School | Edutopia | May 12, 2022 | Lessons in gratitude help students develop social awareness, a key component of social and emotional learning.

How to Ask Questions That Engage Young Students | Edutopia | Dec 6, 2021 | Learn about three questioning techniques that prompt all students to come up with a response that can raise their spirits and make learning more joyful.

6 Powerful Strategies for Deeper Learning in Your Classroom | Teachthought | Deeper Learning is a set of student outcomes that includes mastery of essential academic content; thinking critically and solving complex problems; working collaboratively and communicating effectively; having an academic mindset and being empowered through self-directed learning.

Getting Students on the Road to Self-Advocacy | Edutopia | 1 July, 2021 | With some simple supports, students in grades 3 to 8 can take the wheel and assume some responsibility for their learning journey.

Building a Culture that Respects Teachers and Reduces Stress |Edutopia | February 5, 2021 | When teachers are given time to work closely with other teachers and have achievable goals—school culture thrives. The article discusses the connection between teacher collaboration, time to ‘reflect, make meaning and connect’, and wellbeing. Collaborative meetings are essential to the inquiry approach and need to happen within the week not simply tacked on to the end of a day or the occasional staff meeting.  So, if you are still trying to champion the importance of time to plan and reflect with colleagues, this article provides may provide some powerful support. Recommended by Kath Murdoch.

12 Strategies to Build Relationships with Students |Teachthought| Mar 18, 2021 | Here are 12 ways to help you build better relationships with your students. A well-organized classroom with engaged students who trust and feel valued by the teacher is a classroom that’s setup for progress everywhere else.

The Learning Community

Click/Tap image to view/download document (Direct Download)Source: Sheeza Ali Facebook

Modelling For Learning

Click/Tap image to view/download document (Direct Download)Source: Impact Wales

Traditional vs Constructivist Classroom

Click/Tap image to view/download document (Direct Download)Source: - Concept to Classroom

Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning

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Engaging in a process of learning, unlearning, and relearning puts educators on a path to continuous improvement.

Visible Learning Guide

Click/Tap image to view/download 11-page document (Direct Download)Source: Corwin

Why Visible Learning?

Making learning visible isn’t something that just happens. It requires a few key mindset shifts.  The first is getting into the habit of constantly thinking about your impact and your dual role of educator and learner. The second is the measurement and evaluation of that impact.

The power behind Visible Learning lies in these mindset shifts—and the five key strands that provide the backbone for evaluation and learning. The Visible Learning guide, will outline:

Also see: Visible Thinking Routines

Provocations to Spark Your Students to Think, Wonder and Question

The following websites offer a wide spectrum of provocations for students to pique their curiosity and get them thinking, wondering and speaking about topics that intertest them. These are wonderful conversation starters that can lead to the development of critical thinking, listening and oracy skills that can support your units of inquiry.

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Creating A Culture of Curiosity

Byrdseed Website

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Many students don’t feel comfortable being curious at school. They’ve learned that asking a question might make them look foolish, slow down the class, or even upset the teacher. So if you want curious students, you have to retrain them to be curious again. You have to spend some time creating a culture of curiosity.

What Do I Do with This?

Take a few minutes once a week, show your favourite puzzlement or two, and simply let your students be curious.

Use these two prompts:

DO NOT: assign homework or create classwork out of these questions or you’ll quench the fire.

The great thing about these emails is that you're free to use them however you like. But here's how I'd get started:

Eventually, you can collect your kids' "wonders" and put them on your walls or your class website. Display them publicly. Add answers when/if they find them. Don't be surprised if kids come back in a month and say, "Oh, I figured out why that spider did that thing in that video!" And don't be scared to come back yourself and share an answer you found. Model curiosity! AND don't be afraid of leaving unanswered questions sitting there all year!

Source: Byrdseed Website

The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity

Run Time: 20:06 - Aug 18, 2011
This is very though-provoking video by Susan Engel. A striking quote from her research is: "many children are spending hours a day in school without asking even one question" ~ Children’s Need to Know: Curiosity in Schools. And, no, "can I go to the bathroom" doesn't count as a question in this context. She explains what teachers need to do to ensure curiosity is alive and well in the classroom.
You might want to check out Susan's book - The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity in Childhood - which offers educators practical ways to put curiosity at the centre of the classroom and encourage children’s natural eagerness to learn. 

What's in a Name: Our Identity & Culture

Run Time: 1:18 - Dec, 2022
This award winning short film, "Daniel 'Jun Ho'" Lee portrays the experience of a 1.5-generation Korean-Canadian boy as his name changes from his birth-given name "Jun Ho" to "Daniel" after immigrating to Canada.
This video could be used an inquiry into the relationship we have with our names. 

Questions for Children to Ponder & Wonder

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These 365 questions were generated using an autoregressive language model trained on 800 GB of internet text.  Learn more here
You might use the questions in conjunction with the daily Byrdseed puzzlements (see above 'Creating a Culture of Curiosity') to promote curiosity, critical thinking and discussion as your students enter each morning.

Teaching Moves That Engage Students

Click/Tap image to view/download 20-page document (Direct Download)Source: Curriculum AssociatesThis document covers:
  • Three specific teacher talk moves that boost student engagement and mathematical thinking
  • Actionable tips for teachers, including how to phrase class instructions
  • Common pitfalls to avoid and how to make the most of class time

What Are the Kinds of Questions That Help Students See Themselves as Learners?

These 30 questions are more about the student than you, your classroom, or your education. What every student should know starts with themselves and moves outwards to your content area: self-knowledge–> content knowledge.

As an educator, your job is to lead students to understanding, but student self-awareness and self-knowledge should precede that. These questions hit at a range of topics, but all revolve around that idea of a learner’s identity. These questions would be very useful at the beginning of the school year.  Essentially: Know Thy Student.

Here are some Strategies for Implementation.

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Source: Teach Thought Website

Source: Learner's Edge Website

The Power of Ummmmm... Kath Murdoch

Run Time: 18:37 - Nov 10, 2014

Differentiation & Learning Environment

Developing a strong learning environment is critical for the incorporation of differentiation strategies that support student learning. 

Learn more about Differentiating Instruction and Assessment.

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Index For Inclusion: Developing Learning and Participation in Schools

The Index is a resource to support the inclusive development of schools. It is a comprehensive document that can help everyone to find their own next steps in developing their setting. The materials are designed to build on the wealth of knowledge and experience that people have about their practice. They challenge and support the development of any school, however 'inclusive' it is thought to be currently.

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Inclusion is often associated with students who have impairments or students seen as 'having special educational needs'. However, in the Index, inclusion is about the education of all children and young people. Read the entire document here.

Source: Published by the Center for Studies on Inclusive Education (CSIE)

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How Do Public and Private Schools Differ in OECD Countries?

The OECD's report on private schools reveals that, across its member countries, private schools enroll approximately 18% of students from pre-primary to upper secondary education, with 44 million students attending private schools in 2021. The distribution varies among countries, often influenced by historical, religious, or choice-related factors. 

Contrary to the belief that private school enrollment is increasing, the share has remained relatively constant over the last decade. 

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Funding for private schools is diverse, with 42% of upper secondary level funding coming from private sources, mainly tuition fees. Private schools generally exhibit greater autonomy and face fewer shortages than public schools, as evidenced during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

However, disparities in material and resource shortages, teacher shortages, and social diversity objectives exist between private and public schools. While private schools often achieve better results in PISA assessments, this is attributed to enrolling more students from advantaged socio-economic backgrounds. 

The report underscores the challenge of enhancing social diversity in both public and private schools, emphasizing the need for efforts to address this over the past decade.

Source: OCEDiLibrary

Progressive Alternatives to Traditional Methods in Education

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If you're looking for progressive alternatives to traditional methods in education, you’re not alone.

The Progressive Education online hub explores progressive approaches to education which are forward-thinking and aim to equip students with appropriate skills for the 21st century from a British perspective.

15 Ways to Reimagine Education

Source: Progressive Education website

Learning Styles Do NOT Improve Learning!?

Run Time: 14:26 - Jul 9, 2021
This video postulates that there is no creditable evidence that Learning Styles (ie. VARK - visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinesthetics) exist due to a lack of creditable evidence. Instead of focusing on individual leaning styles, the video states that it is best to use a multi-modal approach (ie. picture + word/descriptor).  It seems the common belief that learning styles help to improve learning is a myth...who would have thought?

Mindfulness Over Matter: Ellen Langer

Run time: 22:20 - Nov 5, 2013
Ellen Langer brings to light ways the best inquiry teachers operate in their classrooms. She describes mindfulness as ‘intentionally noticing things’ and, in the act of this intentional noticing, we become more aware of nuance and comfortable with uncertainty. This would be an engaging video to share with your staff because there is so much to connect with teaching and learning! Recommended by Kath Murdoch. 

People to Surround Yourself With

Click/Tap image to view/download document (Direct Download)Source: Sylvia Duckworth

The Positive Encourager Way

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This website explores how we can encourage people during our time on the planet. It looks at how we can help people to build on their strengths and achieve their picture of success. Learn more HERE

Home Learning

AKA: Homework

K-5 Home Learning Policy & Parent Handout 

Click/Tap image to view/download document (Direct Download)Source: Southpointe Academy, BC, Canada

Video - Homework: How Much is Too Much?

Run Time: 1:08 - Mar 9, 2018

(Focus: Play, self-directed learning)
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When Adults Step Back, Kids Step Up:  At Let Grow, they believe today’s kids are smarter and stronger than our culture gives them credit for. Treating them as physically and emotionally fragile is bad for their future — and ours. Let Grow is making it easy, normal and legal to give kids the independence they need to grow into capable, confident, and happy adults. Co-founded by Peter Gray.

Let Grow Programs

Wonderful Ideas for replacing Traditional "Homework" with activities that promote independence, resilience and responsibility. (Also see Play)

These programs give students the freedom to do things on their own and they change forever. Let Grow’s school and community programs give young people a bracing dose of the rocket fuel known as independence. Let Grow’s school programs are designed to unlock young people’s brilliance and resilience. Read about the programs for K-8 students in this free download of the chapter for educators in the brand-new edition of Free-Range Kids!

Website features

Home Learning (work) Research Articles

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Let's take the word "work" out of "homework" because homework should not be work but instead an opportunity to explore, wonder, inquire and learn. Therefore, I suggest replacing homework with HOME LEARNING.

Homework Research Articles

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